Adrianne Curry was robbed!
The reality TV beauty/ fashion model posted the following message on her official MySpace:
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
"I was robbed last night!!!
So, I wake up this morning to get ready to go to the gym. I have a full plate today, and needed to unwind by pumping some iron beforehand. Then my doorbell rings. Chris answered it, so I went on my merry little way getting dressed fot the gym, and getting my stuff together so I could go straight from the gym to all my appointments later. I ran upstairs to grab a bottle of water and Chris followed me up. He gave me a BIG hug, told me how much he loved me, and that I needed to sit down.
“WHAT???” I asked him. My car’s window had been smashed out, my navigation system stolen, and the possibility of other things missing is high. When I stepped outside to look at my car in my new home’s driveway, I was heartbroken! I get it, material things, yadda yadda yadda. However. I was raised to know the value of a dollar. I NEVER half ass work. I worked and work HARD for everything I have.
I feel violated. Chris always bitches at me for having weapons, wanting extra security, and not wanting to park my car outside of the garage. Now he’s learned. This crap happens all the time, everywhere. I have been robbed of my speakers from a car once, but it was at gunpoint, the speakers sucked…and my car and me came out just fine. (except for the speakers!) That felt better then having someone smash out my cars window so I can’t go anywhere I need to go today! Honestly, I am thinking about fixing my window, putting a bunch of valuables in my car, and sitting on my roof with some ball bearings and a wrist rocket!
Anyone who can’t WORK to EARN something and decides to just ROB someone so they can have it are the most VILE scum to ever walk the planet. Talk about vain! These people think they are above anyone and everything, and deserve to have what is YOURS.
Needless to say, my entire day has been put on hold. I am stressing out because there are so many things I will be behind on, and my Grandma and my Mom are coming out to visit me this Saturday. At least there is a brightside to things. That navigation unit is from our friends at Avis rentacar. Avis changes the password on their units every 3 weeks. If you are not registered with them, you don’t get the password. Without the password, you have no navigation unit! Serves the worthless fucks right! I hope you scum bags enjoy your USELESS navigation system, and while your at it, shove it up your ass!
Well, the Police are here. I would have posted pics but I gotta jet and get this all taken care of.”
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→Adrianne Curry's Car Vandalized and Burglarized In California
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