19 years old Pawani Kaushalya is an versatile Dancer at Dinuwith Dancing Starz Dancing Academy. She has chosen to specialise in Udarata dancing. She has plenty of style and good techniques. She hails from Kadawatha and now lives in Milan, Italy. Kaushalya is indeed a good future prospect and we (SLS) wish her the best.

P h o t o g r a p h y : Chamila Prasanna, Nethra wedding studio (Chamila prasanna Photography)
H a i r & M a k e u p : Salon Strands & Nailbar Negombo
L o c a t i o n : Negombo Beach

Original Article srilankan-star.blogspot.com (do not steal my blog posts)

Photographed by Chamila Prasanna(Nethra Wedding Studio)
Chamila Prasanna is one of the upcoming photographers who specializes in fashion photography, model portfolios and wedding photography. This copyrighted materials own by the photographer. Under the Intellectual Property Act of Sri Lanka, Copying, Distributing, Editing, Publishing or Unauthorized use of these photos are strictly prohibited.
Nethra Wedding Studio (Chamila Prasanna Photography)
+9477-3 462 000, +9471-6 400 500

P h o t o g r a p h y : Chamila Prasanna, Nethra wedding studio (Chamila prasanna Photography)
H a i r & M a k e u p : Salon Strands & Nailbar Negombo
L o c a t i o n : Negombo Beach

Original Article srilankan-star.blogspot.com (do not steal my blog posts)

Photographed by Chamila Prasanna(Nethra Wedding Studio)

Nethra Wedding Studio (Chamila Prasanna Photography)
+9477-3 462 000, +9471-6 400 500
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→Dazzling Dancer Pawani Kaushalya
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