Gayani Batz comes out in Emo style and Emo outfits to be photographed by M O O R T H I .U. Senewirathna at Studio Dream Creations. Emo style is a cool trend amongst teens. This exclusive collection inspired by its beauty of Emo style. We (SLS) wish Moorthi, Gayani and his team the best of everything.
MUA : Gayani Batz
Retouched : M O O R T H I .U . SENEWIRATHNA
Special Thanks to Buwanaka Buwaneka Ranawaka , Uma Dewi , Hashan Subasingha

Photographed by MOORTHI U Senewirathna

Moorthi U Senewirathna is one of the Professional photographers who specializes in fashion photography, model portfolios and wedding photography. This copyrighted materials own by the photographer. Under the Intellectual Property Act of Sri Lanka, Copying, Distributing, Editing, Publishing or Unauthorized use of these photos are strictly prohibited. or
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MUA : Gayani Batz
Retouched : M O O R T H I .U . SENEWIRATHNA
Special Thanks to Buwanaka Buwaneka Ranawaka , Uma Dewi , Hashan Subasingha

Photographed by MOORTHI U Senewirathna

Moorthi U Senewirathna is one of the Professional photographers who specializes in fashion photography, model portfolios and wedding photography. This copyrighted materials own by the photographer. Under the Intellectual Property Act of Sri Lanka, Copying, Distributing, Editing, Publishing or Unauthorized use of these photos are strictly prohibited. or
Tel +94 776946548
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→Emo Gayani by Dream Creations 2010
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