The super book though is not in a pristine condition. “Unfortunately, its cover is torn and the pages have faced the wear and tear of time. The pages have become brittle which is not surprising given the fact that the book was printed in 1841 and has seen the changes in the weather, atmospheric changes and pollution which has taken a great toll on this antique piece of literature which can almost be considered as a relic,” said Dj Jenny D, explaining that the book has original lithographic prints and designs which were used during that period. The owner of the book is trying to officially authenticate the actual age of the book by using a Carbon dating technique, but though has he has knocked on the doors of many laboratories they have all turned down his request. The Forensic and Chemical Laboratory at Kalina in suburban Mumbai which does such tests refused to test the book on the grounds that they only work on Government assignments (like murder cases or drug testing and identification in Narcotics cases) and cannot take on assignments from civilians, said Dj Jenny D.
The Bhabha Atomic Research Centre or BARC which is also equipped to test such samples also refused to entertain the book collector on some what similar grounds. His last recourse seems to be the Indian Institute of Science in Bangalore and he is hopeful that the IIS will help him.
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→170-year old Shakespeare book could fetch Rs One Crore
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